Discontinuing Patient Services

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Reasons We May Discontinue Patient Services

1. Unrealistic Expectations or Demands
Patients who demand services beyond the scope of cardiology or have unrealistic expectations about treatment outcomes may require care better suited to their specific needs elsewhere.

2. Hostile or Disrespectful Behavior
Under no circumstances will we tolerate verbal abuse, entitlement, or arrogance towards our staff. We do not work for you; we work with you as a team dedicated to improving your health. A safe and respectful environment is essential for both patients and staff. Aggressive or inappropriate behavior disrupts care and compromises safety.

3. Lack of Understanding of Payment Responsibility and Insurance Coverage
Patients who consistently fail to understand or acknowledge their financial responsibilities—including co-pays, deductibles, and insurance coverage limitations—can create administrative and operational challenges.

4. Failure to Follow Prescription Refill Policies
Our refill policy clearly states a 24-48 hour processing time. Patients who wait until they have only one pill left to request a refill create unnecessary urgency and disrupt our ability to manage prescriptions efficiently.

5. Non-Adherence to Treatment Plans
When patients consistently disregard prescribed treatments, medications, or lifestyle changes, it compromises their health and our ability to help them effectively.

6. Failure to Follow-Up
Regular follow-ups are critical in cardiology. Patients who repeatedly miss appointments or fail to communicate may be putting themselves at serious risk.

7. Requesting a Change in Diagnosis or CPT Codes for Insurance Coverage
We maintain strict ethical standards and are obligated to provide accurate diagnoses and billing codes. Requests to alter diagnoses or CPT codes to manipulate insurance coverage or avoid payment will not be accommodated and may result in the termination of care.

8. Calling Late in the Week for Complications That Occurred Days Earlier
Patients who delay reporting serious symptoms until late in the week and then expect immediate attention over the weekend demonstrate a disregard for our policies on hours of operation. Timely communication is essential for effective care.

9. Chronic Non-Payment of Bills
While we strive to offer flexible options, persistent non-payment or refusal to address outstanding balances may lead to discontinuation of services.

10. Refusal to Share Accurate Medical Information
Incomplete or inaccurate disclosure of medical history or symptoms can hinder our ability to provide effective care.

11. Seeking Multiple Opinions Without Transparency
Patients who seek conflicting treatments or opinions without informing us can undermine the continuity of their care.

12. Misuse of Medications
Misusing prescribed medications or requesting unnecessary prescriptions can create legal and ethical concerns.

13. Failure to Address Risky Lifestyle Choices
Patients who actively engage in high-risk behaviors without any willingness to modify them make it challenging to achieve meaningful health outcomes.

14. Consistently Late or No-Show Appointments
Chronic tardiness or missed appointments take time away from other patients in need of care and disrupt the scheduling process.


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